Selectboard Meeting Dates Changing: The Selectboard meeting dates are changing!  Selectboard meetings will now be held on the 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS of every month.  This is to allow for residents to be able to attend Selectboard meetings AND School Board meetings (which are on Thursday evenings). Next Selectboard meeting will be Tuesday, April 8, 2025.
Selectboard Meeting Dates Changing: The Selectboard meeting dates are changing!  Selectboard meetings will now be held on the 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS of every month.  This is to allow for residents to be able to attend Selectboard meetings AND School Board meetings (which are on Thursday evenings). Next Selectboard meeting will be Tuesday, April 8, 2025.


Elm Street Culvert Project Request for Proposal

Town of Mercer
1015 Beech Hill Road
Mercer, ME  04957
207.587.2911 (telephone); 207.587.2912 (fax)


Request for Proposal:  Elm Street Culvert Project

Scope of Work:

Install new culvert (three pieces with two marmac couplers) for a total dimension of 72” diameter x 60’ length of high strength reinforced HDPE pipe by Kana Flex which will be supplied by the Town of Mercer.

The new pipe needs to be installed beside the existing culvert at the same depth.  Contractor to create a gradual slope from the road, that slope is to be covered with riprap 6” or larger to stop erosion.  The inlet end will need to have granite placed to divert the water into the new culvert.  Culvert to be installed in accordance with stream smart guidelines. 

Installation of the new culvert needs to be compacted at least every 12” of backfill material.  Backfill must consist of clean, non-frost susceptible material, free of organics.  New surface gravel will be needed (minimum of 6”).  Before top coat (surface) gravel is applied, fabric needs to be placed in and tied back into existing road.  Contractor is responsible for all fill, gravel and fabric required to create new contour. 

Interested bidders can view the site with the Mercer Select Board on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.


Sealed bids are due by 6 pm on September 11, 2024.  The Town of Mercer reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.