Selectboard Meeting Dates Changing: The Selectboard meeting dates are changing!  Selectboard meetings will now be held on the 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS of every month.  This is to allow for residents to be able to attend Selectboard meetings AND School Board meetings (which are on Thursday evenings). Next Selectboard meeting will be Tuesday, April 8, 2025.


Town of Mercer

Welcome to the Town of Mercer

Town Office and General Assistance Hours:

Monday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 11:00am - 6:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 6:00pm

The Town Office is located at 1015 Beech Hill Road and our mailing address is 1015 Beech Hill Road, Suite A, Mercer, ME  04957.  In addition to in-person services, some transactions can be done over the phone with a credit card or thru the U.S. mail.

If you need general assistance, please contact the Town Office during regular office hours.
Otherwise, please contact Ricky Parlin at (207) 587-4812

Look to our website for tax information.

Please call the Office (207) 587-2911 if you have any questions.  Fax: (207) 587-2912.

We will do our best to provide the services you require.

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March, 2025

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